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All translations - MÃ¥ddie

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Source language
English Where do I go? What do I do? Where do I find?...
Where do I go?
What do I do?
Where do I find?
Somebody like you
I’ll miss your touch
I’ll miss your smile
Please don’t cry
I’m leaving you although I know it hurts so much
To give you one last kiss
To leave you here like this
I know it hurts so much
It breaks my heart in two
These words are mine for you

No matter what people told you
You know that I loved you
I did and I still do
Wherever destiny takes you
I’ll always protect you
You know I always do

Completed translations
Romanian Unde să merg? Ce să fac?Unde pot să găsesc?...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Oh, yes, I am. I heard him say a hundred and...
Oh, yes, I am. I heard him say a hundred and two.'
'People don't die with a fever of one hundred and two. That's a silly way to
90 talk.'
'I know they do. At school in France the boys told me you can't live with
forty-four degrees. I've got a hundred and two.'

Completed translations
Romanian Oh, da, sunt sigur. L-am auzit spunând o sută ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Est enim amicitia nihil aliud nisi omnium...
Est enim amicitia nihil aliud nisi omnium divinarum humanarumque rerum cum benevolentia et caritate consensio

Completed translations
Romanian Prietenia nu e nimic altceva ...
Source language
German Das Versäumnisurteil vom 08 oktober 2007 wird mit...
Das Versäumnisurteil vom 08 oktober 2007 wird mit der Maβgabe aufrecht erhalten, dass sich die vorläufige Vollstreckbarkeit nach diesem Urteil richtet.

Completed translations
Romanian Hotărârea de pe data de 8 octombrie 2008, pronunţată...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish Semi Sen benim melegimsin. senin numarani...

sen benim melegimsin..
senin numarani telefonumda gördumde gunum aydinlatijorsun.
senin merhaba dedijinde bana cok sevinijorum.seni hep janimda istijorum,
seni öpmek isiyorum, seninle kocaklasmak istijorum..tum dunyaya senin bemin oldugunu göstermek istiyorum..
benim askim.

sen benim melegimsin..
senin numarani telefonumda gördumde gunum aydinlatijorsun.
senin merhaba dedijinde bana cok sevinijorum.seni hep janimda istijorum,
seni öpmek isiyorum, seninle kocaklasmak istijorum..tum dunyaya senin bemin oldugunu göstermek istiyorum..
benim askim.

Completed translations
English Semi, You are my angel. Your number
Swedish Semi Du är min ängel.
Romanian Semi, Eşti îngerul meu.Când numărul tău ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese Olá! Tudo bem?
Olá! Tudo bem? Espero que sim, bem estou aprendendo a falar romeno, mais vim de desejar um bom dia. Beijos!
Text corrected
Olá!! tudo bem??
espero q sim bem
estou aprendendo,

a falar romeno
mais vim de desjar
um bom dia beijos!!

Completed translations
Romanian Bună, ce faci?
Source language
Italian ti voglio un mondo di bene Ana e ...
ti voglio un mondo di bene Ana e quello che è successo tra noi di male e sparito nel vento, è rimasto l'amore sincero da su di te..non lo dimentichi. Amo a te e a Susi anima mia..stammi bene e andrà tutto bene..tuo caro marito Hamodi

<edit>"ti voglio un mondo di bene ana e quello che successo tra noi di male e sparito nel vento e rimasto l,amore sincero da su di te..nn lo dimentichi.amo a te e a susi anima mia..stammi bene e andra tutto bene..tuo caro marito hamodi" with "ti voglio un mondo di bene Ana e quello che è successo tra noi di male e sparito nel vento, è rimasto l'amore sincero da su di te..non lo dimentichi. Amo a te e a Susi anima mia..stammi bene e andrà tutto bene..tuo caro marito Hamodi" (11/12/francky on an italo07's notification)

Completed translations
Romanian Te iubesc foarte mult Ana ÅŸi ...
Albanian të dua shumë Ana
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French je voudrais vous informer que j'ai 12 ans.J'aime...
Je voudrais vous informer que j'ai 12 ans. J'aime la pizza et la salade verte. J'ai un petit frère qui s'appelle Jamil. Nous nous disputons souvent. La 6 a est plus difficile que ce que je pensais. Parfois c'est facile, d'autres fois c'est difficile. L'année dernière j'étais en Afrique et c'était fabuleux : les lianes, les forêts, leur culture, les clubs de vacances, l'école...Je me demande comment est la Roumanie? J'espère que vous nous enverrez une réponse.

Completed translations
Romanian Aş vrea să vă spun că am 12 ani. Îmi place ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English One door away from heaven
One door away from heaven, we live each day and hour.
Romani (not Romanian), thank you very much in advance! :)

Completed translations
Turkish Bir kapı cennetten uzak,her günü ve her saati yaşıyoruz.
Source language
English The major part of the Dubai emirate consists of...
The major part of the Dubai emirate consists of rolling sand dunes lapping the foothills of the arid Hajar mountains in the east

Completed translations
Romanian Principala parte din Emiratul Dubai este formată
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English The international trade which flowed from Dubai?s...
The international trade which flowed from Dubai?s cosmopolitan contracts was the basis of rapidly increasing prosperity. This gave the city an early start in development before the beginning of oil production in the late 1960s. Like the other towns along the coast, Dubai had been severely affected by the decline of the pearling industry,

Completed translations
Romanian Comerţul internaţional care a rezultat din contractele ...
21Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".21
Turkish çok tatlısın
çok tatlısın

Completed translations
Spanish Eres muy dulce
English You are very sweet.
Bulgarian много си сладка
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Farbe: titangrau metallic, Polster: Leder Dakota...
elektr. und hintere Seitenscheiben mechanisch, Durchladesystem, Sprachsteuerung, EUROPlus Garantie, Sitzverstellung elektrisch, Skisack, BMW Online, Ehemalige unverbindliche innerhalb Deutschlands gegen geringen Aufpreis möglich!Hinweis:Unsere Angebote werden unverzüglich nach Kauf eingestellt, es kann dadurch sein, dass sich ein gewünschtes Fahrzeug noch nicht in unserer Ausstellung befindet. Bitte informieren Sie sich vor Besuch bei einem unserer

Completed translations
Romanian Culoare : gri metalizat, tapiţerie : piele Dekota
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japanese anata ni aitai osama
anata ni aitai osama

Completed translations
Romanian Vreau să te întâlnesc, Osama
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Referat
Techniquement, ce qui est pris en compte dans le concept d'"algorithme calculable en temps raisonable" c'est, non pas le temps de calcul lui-même, mais son augmentation, c'est-à-dire lorsqu'on acroît le nombre de données initiales fournies à l'algorithme: si le temps de calcul pour simuler le repliement d'une protéine à 10 acides aminés est de 10 secondes, quel sera-t-il pour 10 x 10 acides aminés?

Completed translations
Romanian Referat
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Ai zis ce ai vrut?...o să şi asculţi ce nu vrei
Ai zis ce ai vrut?...o să şi asculţi ce nu vrei.
Before edit: ai zis ce ai vrut?...o sa si ascultzi ce nu vrei /Freya

Completed translations
English You've said what you wanted?...You'll have to listen to what you don't want to hear
Portuguese brazilian Disse o que queria? Terá de ouvir o que não quiser ouvir
Source language
Spanish llama no importa la hora que yo estoy aqui.entre...
llama no importa la hora que yo estoy aqui.entre las cuatro paredes.

Completed translations
Romanian Sună, nu contează la ce oră este, eu sunt aici. Între ...
Source language
Italian Sei fatastica!
Sei fantastica, ti voglio un mondo di bene per sempre. mi hai regalato dei momenti stupendi che non dimenticherò mai, ti ringrazio di essere l'amica fantastica che sei.
Mi ricordo che quando eravamo migliori amiche ci siamo dette: ti prego non cambiare mai!
Questa frase te la voglio ridire: non cambiare mai!
Per nessun motivo! Perchè sei fantastica così come sei piccola mia... Ti adoro!

Completed translations
Romanian Eşti fantastică!
Source language
Romanian Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi, Arsenie
Mi-amintesc de ochii tăi, Arsenie

Completed translations
Swedish Jag kommer ihåg dina ögon, Arsenie.
English I remember your eyes. Arsenie
Source language
Italian Amore, il primo raggio di sole è per te così...
Amore, al mattino il primo raggio di sole è per te così come al tramonto il riflesso della luna sul mare. Vorrei esserti sempre vicino per parlarti,per guardarti, per accarezzarti per godere con te. Non devi temere niente ma solo vivere intensamente e senza limiti questa storia.Ti amo ! RIC

Completed translations
Romanian Iubito, pentru tine, prima rază de soare ....
Spanish Amor, de mañana el primer rayo de sol...
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